Thursday, July 21, 2011

Horseback Riding

We asked yesterday if the girls could join me on my horseback riding tour and they obliged. What a time! Haley was incredibly brave, putting aside her fear of animals and hoped right on with Sarah. Whitney joined me as we journeyed up the steep hillside to a lookout point called Mirador. From there, the vista provided views of the entire valley, lake, 2 volcanos, and Rancho Margot. Pilson and Favorite, our horses, were kind to us as they worked hard to get us there and back.

Sarah and I's rears are hurting today as we rode the back of the saddle to make room for our little passengers. Well worth it though. And evidently, them being squished in front of us wasn't too uncomfortable as Haley fell asleep hard! She was out so cold that Sarah had a panic attack trying to wake her up. Nothing seems to kick her from her slumber. One of those mother freak out moments that was well warranted.

God has created an amazing place called Costa Rica and it was an honor to behold its beauty on top of that hillside. I was so happy to share it with my family. Ariba!

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