Sunday, July 17, 2011

Amazing Beauty

We got to experience some awesome beauty of this Earth with a morning hike to a breathtaking waterfall on the edge of the Monteverde reserve. We had heard how amazing it was and Sean was scheduled to go with his class. I really wanted to go but after talking to a lot of people decided it wasn't safe with the girls. It included several small bridges, slick rocks, and other dangers for little feet. Even carrying them with our backpack carriers was a no go because if one of us slipped, it could be disastrous. Thankfully God placed an incredible group here at the campus the same time as us that I will forever be grateful for. They are from UGA as well and mostly early education majors. We went to an English camp they taught at the school when Sean was at his home-stay and the girls bonded with them. They were going to be having the camp here at the campus the morning on the waterfall hike and basically playing games with the local kids. They offered to watch Whitney and Haley so I could go on the hike with Sean! How amazing is that! I don't think they will ever know the gift they gave me until they are married and have kids of their own. It was amazing to be able to hike without carrying or dragging anyone along. I got to see and enjoy so much more than I would have with the girls. I didn't have to worry about anyone touching or eating anything they shouldn't. We got to swing from a branch like Tarzan too. The waterfall is the second tallest in Costa Rica and it was freezing cold. Sean and I both jumped in although I didn't dive off the rocks like he did. It has been fascinating to learn about different plants and see God's creativity. The girls had a great time at the camp and now want to do everything with these sweet girls. So thankful for God's amazing beauty in so many different forms.

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